



Conventional Concrete

Normal Concrete Compressive strength from 5-60 MPa.


OPC cement


Max. Agg. Size 20mm.


Strong, cost effective, durable building material


All Structural elements

Performance Concrete

Sulphate Resisting Concrete Using SRC cement Sulphate aggressive environments/ concrete in contact with soil (Underground)
Waterproofing Concrete/Low Permeability Prevents water penetration using crystalline waterproofing admixtures Foundations/walls/wells/ basements/ pools/ elements in direct contact with water
Lightweight Concrete Environmentally friendly using lightweight aggregate. More volume/less weight

/increases spans/ saves reinforcement

Structural and non-structural concrete
Heavyweight Concrete High concrete density- greater than 2600 kg/m3 Medical and nuclear facilities where high radiations may be present
Permeable Concrete 15-30% air content

Up to 25 MPa

Gardens for drainage/ rainwater draining/ sidewalks/ parking/ play areas/ pavements



Special Application

Shotcrete Starts with 15 MPa

Flexibility of design.

Speeds construction time.

Max size aggregate is 5mm

Slip protection/ existing concrete strengthening/ pools/tanks/ fire protection up to 120 minutes
Flowable Fill Concrete Self compacting, low strength mix to reach difficult places Filling of cavities, utility trenches and sometimes replaces compacted granular fill.
Screed Concrete Max 9.5mm size aggregate/special mix

Min strength 15MPa

Highly reinforced areas/ member thickness less than 3cm/ inclined floors
Fiber Concrete Can have plastic Polypropylene, synthetic or steel fiber. Reduces bleeding and settlement. Tougher concrete that resists abrasion and impact Floors to resist Plastic shrinkage cracking
Troweling Concrete Using special chemical additives to make concrete compatible with floor finishing Floors/ helicopter finishing
Ready Plaster Mix Up to 10 MPa/workable up to 30 hours Coating walls, ceilings, and partitions



Post Tensioning Concrete Early strength concrete to expediate PT process which can reduce  concrete quantity by reducing  element thicknesses. Gives higher loading capacity for the same element thickness. Slabs/ beams/ bridges/ foundations/ walls / columns
Self-Compacting Starts with 30MPa

Eliminates the need for vibrators hence reducing labor and execution time.

Highly reinforced / architectural conc./ Indoors and outdoors flooring/ Hard to vibrate areas/columns/ walls/
Early Strength Concrete Starts 25MPa/ Using chemical admixtures, saves time, manpower, and formwork charges. Specified strength at 3 days


Foam Concrete Density from 450-800 kg/m3

Component: cement + water + foaming agent

Roof Insulating/ fire protection/ Underfloor heating
CO2 Optimized / Environmentally Friendly Mix Mixes that reduce cement content and therefore CO2 emissions in the mix without compromising concrete properties. All types of structures
Fly Ash & Microscilica Mixes Mixes that partially substitute cement by Fly Ash & Microsilica to reduce permeability and heat of hydration. Used in aggressive environments by enhancing durability of concrete.


Stamped Concrete


Concrete with a texture or pattern using rubber stamping moulds. Can have different colours. Floors/ gardens/terraces/  garage/entrances/ front yards/interiors.
Exposed Aggregate Concrete Can have different colors/ using natural aggregate Floors/ gardens/terraces/  garage/entrances/ front yards.
Architectural/ Fair Faced Concrete Aesthetic finish to the building with structural function Structural and non-structural concrete
Polished Concrete


Applies art of concrete concepts by using a wide range of aggregate types. Uses polishing techniques to provide three finishes; cream, salt and pepper and terrazzo Decorative commercial and residential flooring solution alternative to the conventional tiling solutions
Color Pigmented Concrete


Fully colored concrete achieved using high-quality color pigments that are added to the mixer in appropriate dosages commercial, industrial and residential decorative concrete solutions for various structural elements